Sunday, February 10, 2008

Valentine's Day is Coming

I am not looking forward to this holiday this year. It really suck when your alone. Sad thing is I normally like Valentine's Day. I tried to do something special for my ex's when it was time. I liked to buy roses for them and candies. Maybe even go overboard and get rose petals and sprinkle them around the house and on the bed. I liked doing romantic things for my ladies. Well this year is going to be the first time in a very long time that I spend it alone. Quite sad for me though. I may have to go to the bar on Thursday to see if I can find me a lonely lady to spend the night with. I'm sure there has to be some woman that will be in one of thosee moods. Not feeling good about being able to spend the holiday with a man soo they go out and find one for the night. I could get lucky. It would be nice too. It has been a while since I have been with anyone but you can never forget how to do it right.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Starry Nights

I will be glad when the weather cools down a little bit and not be so humid at night. It will make it a lot easier for me to get out my 60 mm and do so viewing. It is so much fun seeing the stars and planets up close and personal. A couple months ago while Venus was still up after the sun set, I did get a wonderful view with Venus and Saturn in the same eyepiece. It was the first time I saw Saturn. I could see the rings pretty good and overall is my best view yet. I am still a beginner so I know that there will be a lot more to come. I heard a couple of days ago that by early December, Mars will be at its closest to Earth. It should make it a really good target to see. I haven't fond it in the night sky but I know I will be out there looking for when the time comes. Well good luck and clear skies.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Va. Tech Shootings

Wow 32 people died in this rampage. The worst in massacre in this country's history. I am a little surprised that the school officials didn't get the entire school on lock down regardless of what they thought after the first shooting.
There was a man with a gun in Dayton the other day and the police locked down a couple of blocks worth of buildings and businesses until it was resolved.
So why in the hell didn't they do a better job of letting the students know what was going on. On the news tonight they said that the school had emailed the students telling them about it. Do they not have an intercom system in the school??
I know that you can't always predict what is going to happen so it is very hard to prepare for something like this. But since all of the terrorist talk and everybody is beefing up there security they should have had a better protocol to handle this.
I can guarantee that every other school in the country should learn from this and develop some sort of system to be better prepared. Unfortunately there has to be one example for others to learn the mistake.
My deepest condolences go out to all of the departed and there families. Those who were injured I hope a speedy recovery to you all.
Let us always be prepared for the worst, even if nothing happens.


Well I think that "Shooter" was a pretty good movie. It would be a real good movie for those who are into snipers, military and covert missions and CIA, FBI type involvement. It had it's slow parts in the movie but I feel they followed those up with great sniper shots and explosions. It will keep you thinking who's who and what will happen next. The ending was great and they did a good job at leading everything up to it. Overall I give it 3.5 of 5 stars.

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Departed

I think that this movie is an excellent one. I didn't get to go see it at the theaters but I bought it on DVD. I have watched it many, many times already. It has a great theme, plot and all that other good stuff. It really keeps you on you toes as to whats coming next through the whole movie. The ending is a little disappointing only because the good guy dies but it still turns out good once it plays out. If you haven't seen it I would strongly urge you to go get it. It's now one of my favorites. Once you have seen it let me know what you think.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Illegal Aliens in the US

I saw that there were 100 Haitians on that boat down in Florida. This really upsets me every time I see this in the news. I feel that if they want to come to the US they need to do it right and go through the proper channels to get here.
What bothers me is that they get here and are most likely going straight to the hospital to receive free health care. Now that is a huge problem for me because there are what @ 75 % (that number is a guess) of Americans who don't have any insurance and have to pay for these huge bills. That is just down right ridiculous. I saw on the news here yesterday where a farmer lost both his legs in a farming accident and he said that he had to cancel his insurance because it was costing him over a $1000 a month. We all know that it's not cheap but when people who come here illegal and get taken care of better by our government than we do. Tell me that is just wrong. Think about many come in every year and how much this costs us in taxes that should be going to our people who need it.
It's also bad enough that we spend so much money on other countries and then they want to blame us for everything. I think that they should be sent back to there home country no matter what.

Here's a link to the article:;_ylt=Ag3aRi6JQj_6XwOT2OzsQVJvzwcF

Friday, March 23, 2007

Social Security

I am pissed that I got denied once again. They are trying to say that I can still work in a non strenuous and low stress job. Hmmm Now I can tell you that if my pain levels were down by a factor of 5, I might be able to do it. Unfortunately I don't see that happening any time soon. It is bad enough that the first time they denied me they had one of my surgery dates wrong on the paper that they sent to tell me that they denied me. So when I asked about it I got told that it was just a typo and I shouldn't worry about it. Now I have had 3 back surgeries and they were in '98, '02, and '06. They had '88, '02, and '06. To me that is a huge difference. I plan on appealing the decision again.

I mean if I did try to go back to work, I would really love to actually, my job search would be very, very specific. There would be very few of these jobs available. Then it would come down to whether I was qualified or not. I would need skills that I don't have. I hate it because I miss work. I hate the fact that I am disabled. I walk with a cane because I have weakness in my legs and I fear that I will fall down and get hurt worse or end up not being able to move. I have been laid up in bed and not being able to move hardly because of the pain. Having to crawl to the bathroom and hope that I can get up to go. I would never wish this upon my worst enemy because I would feel like I was just being too cruel. I almost would rather have no feeling at all. So at least I wouldn't feel all of this pain all the time.

What it wrong with our government?? I mean I have a lot of documentation showing whats wrong and that it would be far too difficult to find work. If I was trying to commit fraud I would have already been approved. It always seems that those who are scamming the government always get the money. I have fought with this injury for 10 1/2 years. Believe me it has been one long ass road. I don't want to have to get a lawyer. I don't want them taking a 1/3 of what I get. It is money that I need to pay bills that are so far behind. I think the damn politicians need to start giving the poor people on disabilities some of there money.